Psicoterapia ACT
What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy?
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an innovative therapeutic model that was created by Stephen Hayes and has been highly successful due to its effectiveness in treating various mental and behavioral disorders, such as addictions, depression, anxiety, phobias , stress, among others.
While traditional therapies have focused on eliminating painful and aversive symptoms, ACT proposes the acceptance of pain as a human condition. We work with metaphors, experiential exercises and Mindfulness techniques to know how to deal with thoughts, emotions and other painful events in a simple way, without wasting energy trying to control or avoiding them.
Another differentiator of ACT therapy is commitment to a meaningful life direction. This refers to being more consistent with the areas of life that you value. It is as if your life is like a garden that you can take care of every day, giving priority to your favorite plants and flowers.
In short, ACT therapy is a personalized process focused on your meaningful life directions, we use practical exercises to know how to accept painful situations and its results have been proven to be effective and long-lasting.
What is an ACT session like?
The session lasts 45-60 minutes. We focus on the situation you are going through in the present, trying to understand how it is being created and what are the strategies that can help you deal with it.
In addition to active listening and inquiry, we use metaphors, paradoxes, and Mindfulness exercises to take perspective from your thoughts, feelings and emotions. This helps you to efficiently handle any painful experience, without it overwhelming you.
Finally, we establish a daily commitment to some of the meaningful life directions (the favorite plants in your garden) that need more care so that you feel connected to what is really important to you.
The next Hexaflex model helps synthesize the key processes of ACT therapy:
Contact with the present moment
Acceptance of internal events
Cognitive defusion
Psychological flexibility
Life direction guided by values
Action committed to the direction of life
"I" as the context
Which disorders are treated with ACT?
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has been effective in resolving any psychological conflict, be it mental, behavioral or personality disorders.
It is understood that the root of suffering in humans is experiential avoidance disorder, that is the resistance to experiencing pain that is unavoidable in life.
The more we avoid making contact with that pain, the more rigid we become, psychologically speaking, and we complicate our lives trying to avoid the pain at all costs.
Some of the disorders that have been effectively treated with ACT include the following:
Generalized anxiety
Chronic pain
Consumption of drugs
Grief disorders
Sexual disorders
(Central Time)
MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:00 - 21:00
SATURDAY 9:00 - 17:00
SUNDAYS 10:00 - 14:00
Condominio C, Villas del Refugio